Last week I I visited relatives down in Somerset for the Half Term break 28th Oct – Nov 1st. Whilst away, I managed a few days birding: highlights were Great White Egret, Water Rail, Marsh Harrier, Sparrowhawk and the biggest surprise being Cattle Egret. Although I have seen and photographed Cattle Egret on visits abroad I was very surprised to see them in the UK and in such numbers! Driving across the Somerset Levels en- route to do some retail therapy is not really the place for a  new bird – but stranger things happen in Birding !!! Suddenly, there they were, 16 Cattle Egrets in a field in amongst the cows: a scene similar to Portugal or Spain not on a rainy morning in rural Somerset.However, after some further reading it seems that Cattle Egret in Northern Somerset is now a common sight – first breeding back in 2008 their numbers have greatly increased thanks to the efforts of the Natural England and the RSPB. Now it is quite common to see roosting birds coming into the Ham Wall reserve and Shapwick Heath that can number up to a 100 individuals which is amazing!

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