Sunday 7th May: May is always a great time to see and photograph the warblers that visit us for the summer months. Particularly in the first couple of weeks of May when they arrive as the males set out their territories and often sing from prominent perches for example Blackcap. Once they have established their territories and start nesting most warblers stick to type and usually call/sing from the densest thick cover they can find. From then on it becomes an extremely frustrating task to see them … let alone photograph the little beggars!!! One particular  warbler has become my nemesis for the last few years in this respect and that accolade goes to the Lesser Whitethroat! In my previous post I mentioned how I had failed miserably with this bird over the last few years ….however would my luck change this visit?? I had heard Lesser Whitethroat previously on Appleton Common for a number of years and was hoping to see/hear them again. Strangely a bird was in the same area as last year, in fact I heard the bird calling as soon as I crossed the road onto the common near the pond. I looked up and there it was out in the open and then it disappeared … to slow with the camera !! Then it appeared again … camera ready this time!!! For about an hour I tracked this little beauty as it flew along the gorse thickets and hawthorns never showing itself for long ….but in the end some pictures were safely in the bag !!! Whether or not they are decent that is for you to decide …. but I was absolutely capped that finally, Lesser Whitethroat was finally added to my photo’ list!!


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