6th: Over the last couple of days I learnt of another site where Silver Washed Fritillaries could be found over in Cropton Forest …. and as we were having some very nice weather … the temptation was too much!!!  On arriving at site … it was only a few minutes before a Silver Washed Fritillary floated past then another !! Brilliant stuff !! Before long I had managed to track a feeding fritillary ..what a beauty!! There also some Peacocks feeding too. I then had a great hour watching the fritillaries and there also Speckled Woods joining the party !! I then had a drive up to the Egton road to see the Dark Green Fritillaries that I photographed recently .. only one butterfly was found again feeding on Knapweed … two species of Fritillary in one day … not a bad result!!!

7th: Visit over to Nunnington Hall to the gardens… but again the weather beat us … low grey cloud and cold breeze… as a result virtually no butterflies apart from 1 Green Veined White.. however, I was pleased .. because it was the first one I’ve seen this year!! Unfortunately no Otters were seen, even though Nunnington  has had many visits recently!! Typical!!

9th: a visit to Yorkshire Lavender just west of  Terrington was a first for me!! The view towards York was stunning .. it was very clear today and you could see York Minster and Drax Power Station quite clearly. A distant Red Kite and a couple of Common Buzzards were good to see … also there were a lot of Common Darters on the wing..just had to be patient for one to land a little closer ……..

11th:According to experienced Honey Buzzard observers; the first couple of weeks in August are one of the best times to see both adult birds engaging in behaviours that would indicate breeding was successful. So with that idea in mind I set off for a pro- longed watch over an area of forest I know well; apologies no specific site info will be given for site security and the birds well being. After four hours of observations … happily I had seen one bird… but briefly.. never-the-less it was great to see HB on the local patch!!

12th: I had a stroke of luck today … in carrying out domestic duties today I had a cracking garden tick and a new bird for my year list. I will explain in more detail….the Memsahib decided it was a good washing day .. for the uninitiated ..that meant warm and breezy !! Anyways whilst collecting the washing in at the end of said washing day … I heard a familiar whistle and then another … I could not believe my luck a passing Whimbrel … !!! So if you are summoned to bring in the washing .. you never know!!! Later on in the evening an article on the news got my interest…Perseid Meteor shower was showing well … apparently this phenomenon appears in the night every August .. all to do with the cycles and rhythms of our solar system!! And unbelievably I saw them !! Streaking trails of light over the night sky … Brilliant to see and experience.

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