Corn Bunting is a bird I used to see regularly when I moved up to Pickering nearly 40 years ago … and I am still not regarded as a local … It’s a Yorkshire thing!!! Anyways Corn Bunting is a bird I regularly look for in the Summer but I have never had any luck in our local area .. Yes, I have seen Corn Bunting this year on a birding trip back in June …  but seeing a Corn Bunting on the local patch has been a very rare occurrence   … until now!! There was a discussion on our local Birding What’s App group and one thing led to another and some of the lads had seen Corn Bunting locally for a few years!!

15th  July: the twitch was on … so armed with directions … GPS co-ordinates and optimism – always handy, I set off.  Well, I arrived at the site and within 5 minutes … BOOM!!! 3 Corn Buntings sitting on the wire …and the icing on the cake a Yellow Wagtail too!!! Couldn’t believe my luck …. massive thanks to Graham, Andy, Chris and Nick for the GPS co-ordinates!!

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