16th:We returned off holiday via an early morning flight into Manchester Airport and very kindly my brother-in-law picked us up … after the usual pleasantries he then told me ‘the foxes were out, when I left to pick you up’…. WHAT A BONUS !! Luckily the transfer to his house is only a short distance… so cases packed into our car for the journey home …camera gear unpacked… a cup of tea …. and an anxious wait … no need, the cubs were hurtling about the garden and playing, completely oblivious of the human interest  … unbelievable …. and the Vixen as ever was keeping an ever watchful eye on her cubs. Even though I was shooting through the kitchen window she could sense I was there and at times gazed intently at me. What a brilliant treat before our journey home!!

After Bali and Singapore it was back to normal … grey skies and a cold breeze … Hang on this is June…!!! But salvation was on its way…within a few days of being home we had some beautiful weather…… the good weather did not last long !! 18th: Had a trip over to Bempton cliffs … what a day … it absolutely siled it down nearly all day … got a brief respite mid afternoon … but the light was terrible no good for photos at all. On the way back had a great bonus …. a Corn Bunting singing on the telegraph wires  just outside Humanby !! Have not seen one for a few years now …. strangely enough the last time I saw them was in the same area. 19th:It’s always great to connect with Barn Owls .. especially on your local patch had a great evening watching a male and female having a row … lots of hisses and screeching at each other. Bizarrely, watched the male hunting in heavy rain for nearly 40 minutes … it didn’t seem bothered by the rain at all.

21st:The last week of June again saw a bit of sunshine and this brought out some spectacular fly-bys of our local Swifts … brilliant to see them making insanely fast runs over the house …. and great fun trying to photograph them .. mind you the tracking on the Canon R7 is a game changer as long as you have the subject contrasting well with its background otherwise manual focus, keep patient and take lots of shots!!!


24th: During the short period of nice weather I managed to  photograph some local orchids namely; Pyramidal, Common Spotted and Bee. All 3 now safely in the bag!!  Unfortunately June ended very quietly with not much moving through the local area and a distinct lack of Swallows and House Martins… here’s hoping for a few surprises in July!!

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